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Contemporary knowledge about God, Evolution, and the meaning of human life.
Methodology of spiritual development.

The Meaning of Our Lives (lecture)

Ecopsychology/The Meaning of Our Lives (lecture)

The Meaning of Our Lives

Cosmic space is multidimensional. The dimensions of space are not just mathematical symbols but actually existing layers that resemble stories of a multi-story building. But there are some specific features concerning them:

1. One can enter the most valuable parts of this “building” only as a developed spiritual heart,

2. Each of the basic “halls-stories” is unlimited in size.

3. The “halls-stories” differ not by height but by the depth of their location (by the state of energies in them): the “stories” of the most subtle energy state are the deepest, while the grossest “stories” — are on the periphery of this structure. The deepest “hall-story” is the Abode of the Creator.

In most cases, when we say or hear the word God, we have to understand it as the Primordial Universal Consciousness, that is the Creator.

The purpose of our evolution is to seek to cognize the Creator in His Abode and to merge as a consciousness (soul) with Him.

The main part of every one of us, the part which is capable of fulfilling this task is the spiritual heart. It has to burn with love for the Creator, be refined to the Divine level of subtlety, and be grown to Divine sizes.

The mind of such a spiritual seeker has to be developed enough to avoid false ways and illusions of pseudo-achievements on this Path.

He Who has reached the Abode, settled in it, and then comes out from it with a part of Himself to help incarnate beings is called the Holy Spirit (Brahman).

And He Who having merged with the Creator lives also in a human body is called Christ, Messiah, Avatar (these words are synonyms).

From the above said, it is clear that God-the-Father, Christ, and the Holy Spirit are indeed consubstantial. This is where the idea of the Trinity comes from, which was reduced afterwards to the level of folk tales.

Let me repeat again that the primary meaning of the word God is the Creator dwelling in His Abode. And from the above said it must be clear that a Christ is also God; and the Holy Spirit is God as well.

Sometimes this word is used to denote everything that exists in the universe including the Creator, all aspects of His Creation, and the “construction material” for it. In this case, this One Universal Organism is denoted by the term the Absolute (i.e. God in the aspect of the Absolute).

In this Universal Multidimensional Superorganism — in the Absolute — everything is correlated, controlled, and nothing happens “by chance”.

It is really ONE — and in this aspect It resembles the human organism, which is also multidimensional. From this we can understand the biblical idea that man was made in the image of God.

That is, the multidimensional structure of the human organism is similar to God in the aspect of the Absolute. But it does not mean that God-the-Father looks like an old man on a cloud!

Inside the Universal Organism of the Absolute, vital processes of transformation of the constituents go on — as it is the case with the human organism. This constitutes the Universal Evolution.

The creation of new “islets” of matter within the Ocean of the Absolute (followed by the decay, dematerialization of them) serves the purpose of settling there units of life incarnated in material bodies, which have to develop themselves and merge with their Creator, enriching Him by this.

The food for such growing souls is the matter of our usual food.

So, some souls having achieved Perfection during the incarnation merge with the Creator. Others who did not have time to accomplish this “get stuck” at a certain stage of their personal evolution. They will have to get embodied again. Another group of souls is a “waste” of the Organism of the Absolute — they get cast into the outer darkness, i.e. into hell.

By using our free will, i.e. the freedom to choose the direction of our development, we can form our destinies.

Let every one of us think: where do we want to go?

… Some people do all kinds of silly things for the sake of spiritual development or “for the sake of God” — as they believe.

Some torture and kill people and animals, bluntly and violently obtrude “their” rules of conduct upon others, some people in modern Russia drink urine, some learn to plug up the lower foramens of the body in order to avoid dropping out into hell through them (some Buddhist “masters” teach this practice).

There are also fools who, instead of making efforts, hope that they will get to heaven by having “priests” pray for them.

Only when we know the true need of God and His plan for us, we can understand the absurdity of all those things and understand what we have to do in reality.

… Now, how can one attain Perfection? And what is Perfection specifically?

There are three main aspects of the Perfection of God: Love, Wisdom, and Power. Let us list what we have to do in order to either progress in the direction of His Perfection or, on the contrary, degrade to the state of demonic beings.

So in order to get to hell, if we want to:

1. Instead of fostering love we need to cultivate irritability, aggressiveness, as well as to seek to defile everything and everyone.

Let our egocentrism triumph. And if other people do not satisfy our egocentrism, we will react with an outburst of rude emotions, revenge, will lose peace and sleep, will live in constant stress of negative emotions, will get sick because of this and it will create even more reasons for us to hate other people: they are happy while we are sick!

It is not enough to learn to hate everyone around and concentrate on disgust and contempt towards them — we will have to learn to pick concrete objects of these emotions. And if people and animals become hostile to us in return, then it will only help us in acquiring mastery of malice: their hostility will make our aggressive feelings stronger!

In order to develop further such features, we need to eat dead bodies (meat and fish dishes) — then the souls of killed animals will move into our bodies and will avenge themselves upon us for their sufferings. This will cause chronic diseases of our digestive systems and later — psychic disorders of schizophrenia type (obsessive-compulsive disorder, hallucinations, delusion of influence, as well as “voices” that condemn others and provoke us to take absurd actions).

Also we have to attune to the most coarse kinds of music and songs with violent and defiling content (using obscene language, preferably). By the way, if we use obscene language as a means of defiling other people and intensifying negative emotions, it will help us in making faster progress in this direction.

As for esoteric techniques — concentrating in the ajna and manipura chakras can be of great help for this purpose. Practicing all these methods will make us devils in the course of our lives in the physical bodies, and we will retain this devilish status after death, thus our going to hell will be guaranteed.

2. Our intellectual activity has to be directed at devising special programs of further self-development in this direction. For this purpose it would be helpful to study the experience of other people who succeeded in this. For example, we can practice self-identification and attuning to the most prominent fascist politicians and black magicians-devils, who make a living by “healing” practice.

3. In order to become even more powerful devils, we may use special kind of training on negative places of power. There we can accustom ourselves with different types of hellish states: powerful aggressive emotions, paralyzing anger, hopeless despair, and depression.

Near Saint Petersburg there are places of power of that kind. Some monsters in human bodies carried out “training” there, and even arranged special benches!

Having mastered these states, we can be sure that even the death of the body will not interrupt them! All this will be ours almost forever — until the complete decay of the soul occurs in the “outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth”!

And before the decay of the soul takes place, we will have time to enjoy by harassing less powerful demons and various dweebs among embodied creatures using the most sophisticated ways!

… Now let us have a break from attuning with this nightmare and look at how we can develop ourselves in the opposite direction.

The best way to start going the opposite direction — not to the outer darkness but to the Creator — is to step aside from the human filth and begin to attune to pure and beautiful phenomena, and to make every effort to activate the spiritual heart.

The development of the spiritual heart starts from the center of the chest, then it gradually fills up the entire chest volume, grows bigger and bigger in the surrounding space, penetrating deeper into the layers of the Absolute — until it merges with the Creator.

But no attunement and no psychic techniques can help if one does not do deeds of love, does not control emotions, does not refrain from exiting the state of love, as well as does not focus the attention on the Creator as on the main Beloved.

Of course, it is not possible to know and to love the Creator if one does not know what the Creator is and where we have to seek Him.

And it is impossible to bridle emotions without mastering the control over the organs that produce emotions. That is, one needs to learn the methods of psychic self-regulation based on work with the chakras and main meridians.

Also we cannot succeed if under the “deeds of love” we understand only sex.

… Yes, a positive sexual experience is highly important for spiritual self-realization. Sexual love enriches one’s emotional sphere with the ability to experience very subtle, sexually colored tenderness. Having mastered this step, we have to come to know even more subtle love, even more subtle states of the consciousness in order to be able to merge with the Holy Spirit and the Creator.

Let me note that woman's mammary glands have a direct topographic and bioenergetic connection with the spiritual heart. And their erogeneity contributes to stimulation and natural development of the spiritual heart.

Men do not have such a natural and direct opportunity; their chance to begin the spiritual Path is to attune to the most subtle states of women or to use special psycho-techniques, which develop and refine the emotional sphere.

This is why many more women than men achieve success in spiritual self-realization.

But in order to be called really spiritual, sexual relations must include a tender love-giving of oneself to the partner rather than a rude and egoistic behavior. Also they must not become a kind of entertainment in the form of group sex.

Sex must not become an end in itself and an obstruction to a much more important thing — building one’s loving relationships with God!

Let me stress that the ability to love emotionally can be developed not only through practicing its sexual aspect. Caring attention, respect and esteem for those who deserve respect, the ability to forgive errors of others, to help others even if it requires to sacrifice one's own interests or even life — these are the most important and essential aspects of love that we have to cultivate in every possible way.

We also need to understand that recommendations of some “psychologists” to focus the attention on love for oneself are the opposite of spirituality. True love implies self-forgetting for the sake of others! And this becomes possible only if one (sensibly) abandons attachments to earthly welfare and even to life in the body.

Let us start learning to love, helping even plants. If we see a dry bough hanging on a living branch of a tree — let us remove it. If someone drops a piece of tinplate, plywood, or board on the grass — deprived of light plants are doomed to death — let us save them. When we see that someone defiled a tree by putting a dirty rag or an empty bottle on it — let us remove it, so that this living evolving being can continue perfecting in its natural beauty.

It is not compatible with love to make a fire (without an absolute necessity) if it injures living plants, to cut flowers for bouquets, to participate in killing spruces and pines for Christmas for the sake of watching how they die slowly…

It is necessary to understand that in the bodies of animals and plants the same process of evolution of units of consciousness goes on just as in our bodies. And we must not cease it on our will unless it is absolutely necessary. An example of such absolute necessity is using plants for food, for construction, and so on.

We may kill animals only if we are defending ourselves or others.

Let us recall one of the commandments that God gave to us through Moses: “You shall not kill!”. But neither Moses himself nor almost all Jews kept this commandment. Jesus Christ also declared this principle*, but all mass movements that call themselves Christians did not pay any attention to this commandment of God.

Yet without accepting fully the aspect of LOVE called COMPASSION, one cannot approach the Creator! And compassion must include all living beings, not only embodied ones…

“God is Love” — taught Jesus. And if we want to become Divine and fulfill the Will of our Creator, we have to transform ourselves into perfect Love.

… If we only have learned to live in the permanent state of subtle love — we are guaranteed to live in paradise.

If with the help of special meditative techniques we have attained Mergence with the Holy Spirit and have mastered living in Mergence with Him, then we become Him and remain in Him even after the death of the physical body.

And the Ultimate Goal is to cognize the Creator in His Abode and to merge as a consciousness with Him.

… Let us keep in mind: it is the emotional status to which we accustomed ourselves while living in the body on the Earth that we continue to live in for a very long time after the death of the physical body.

The emotional status is a state of consciousness. It is our dominating emotions, the emotions which we got used to during our living on the Earth.

And after the death of the body we find ourselves in the corresponding layer of the multidimensional space — according to our level of coarseness-subtlety. There we find ourselves among other beings similar to us: inhabitants of hell or those of paradise, or in the Holy Spirit, or even in the Abode of the Creator.

And after this happens nothing can change the situation: neither relatives and friends drinking on the grave nor any kind of rituals or praying performed by anyone.

So, where do we want to go?

* * *

God is cognizable, though the majority of the followers of the modern “Christian” movements believe the opposite.

The founder of Christianity — Jesus Christ — taught that God can be cognized [6,11].

And God is indeed very easily cognizable: both in the aspect of the Holy Spirit and of Jesus Christ, Who lives now (though not in a physical body). It is much more difficult but also possible to cognize Him also in the aspect of God-the-Father.

But in order to accomplish this, one must not be a pseudo-Christian who keeps talking about Christ yet lives in total contradiction with His Teachings; one must be a true Christian who lives not for oneself but for God, who lives in love and seeks to serve Him, to know Him, and to merge with Him in love!

As for “Christians” who believe that God is incognizable, who drink, kill, damn, and hate — He is incognizable indeed. For they are not Christians at all!

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